Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Benghazi & Cairo

On the 11 year anniversary of the tragic events that happened on September 11th, 2001, the US embassy in Cairo, Egypt was overthrown by an angry mob of Islamic protestors and the US consulate in Benghazi, Libya was raided by armed extremists. Coincidence? 

Let's run through the two situations,

In Libya, the armed extremists started firing on the building around 10 PM and within a matter of minutes had already gained access inside the building killing four Americans. The four deaths were the US ambassador to Libya, Christopher Stevens, Foreign Service Information Manager Officer Sean Smith, and 2 Marines. 

In Egypt, the Islamic mob overthrew the embassy, scaling the walls surrounding the building and tore down the American flag flying high in the yard. The mob then attempted to burn the flag but after failed attempts just ripped it to shreds. They then raised a black Islamic flag that is very similar to the flag used by Al Qaeda extremists.

Allegedly this was all done in retaliation to a video made by Israeli American Sam Bacile that paints Islam's Prophet Mohammed as a man who had many sexual relations with many women and being very unholy. This as you can imagine is a huge insult to the Islamic people. In my opinion, this is just a cover up for these attacks. I do not believe it was just some coincidence that the attacks happened on the anniversary of the 2001 terror attacks on US soil. There were many signs pointing toward the attack in Benghazi as being a planned effort. There are reports that the attack was too well conceived and professional to have been a spur of the moment act. Retaliation in this situation, in a way of quick reaction, does not seem likely. 

Then our magnificent President Barack Obama decided to wait to issue a statement the next day. He had the audacity to apologize to the angry mob in Cairo for the insulting video. Not condemning the mob and attackers but apologizing to them for a US citizen that made them upset. You don't see American citizens storming foreign embassies on our soil when we have a little controversy with someone in a foreign country. For a religion that pushes for a tolerance and understanding sure doesn't seem so tolerant when they are the ones being criticized. 

But later President Obama said, "Make no mistake. Justice will be done." And in an effort to establish order in the area, a Marine contingency unit has been sent to Libya and 2 war ships have been sent to the coast line. President Obama needs to see and learn that his foreign policy of talk and no action does not work. It gets people killed. We are America, we are the most powerful country in the world and we need to act like it. His lack of concern over the crisis in the Middle East makes us appear as a whole weak and scared. And we are feeling the effects when our ally Israel can not even depend on us in the tense crisis the Middle East is engulfed in.

We need someone in office that will do the necessary things to establish order around the world and show that America is still the country that you do not even think about messing with, and there will also be stiff consequences when you attempt to hurt our allies. We need a man who loves our country and will fight for it no matter what. That man is not Barack Obama. That man is Mitt Romney. Vote the man in who will stand up for us around the world. These are the realities that are slapping us right in the face. We need to return to our days of prosperity. 

Thank you.

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