Friday, September 14, 2012

Further Middle Eastern Unrest

As talked about in my last post, embassies in Cairo and Benghazi were attacked and overthrown. Four were killed in the Benghazi embassy. Since those attacks further unrest has escalated involving Islamist mobs destroying embassies in Yemen and Tunisia. In Lebanon, a KFC and Hardees was attacked and destroyed. Also, an American and German embassy in Sudan was overthrown. All of which had the American flags torn to pieces or burned and then a black Islamist flag raised in its place. In total Anti-American protests have spread to at least 20 different countries.

Now as the President of the United States it is his job to handle foreign matters as much as it is to handle domestic matters. President Obama came out and said justice would be done. So he decided to send some Marine units over there and then also send two Navy warships off the coast. But as further unrest continues, he chooses not to hold the governments of those countries accountable. The leader of each individual country needs to protect our embassies and they need to control their civilians. 

What I would like to see President Obama do is be stern in the talks with the governments. He needs to tell them to get the situation under control or we will halt giving financial aid until it has been controlled and he needs to evacuate all our civilians to safe zones. But as we have seen throughout the past 4 years, President Obama is not always focused on the important issues at hand. This time his focus is on his reelection campaign in swing states. Last time I checked he is still the President and even if Gov. Mitt Romney wins the election Obama must continue to be President until January 1st. This president has continually shown that foreign affairs are not of any concern to him! 

This is not the first time we have seen extreme uprising like this in the Middle East just before election time. When former Jimmy Carter was pushing for reelection after one of the worst presidential tenures in our history, (sounds like our current one) the Middle East was having crazy uprisings and mobs like we see today. If Jimmy Carter didn't already have a difficult time getting votes for a second term, the handling of Middle Eastern relations hurt him dearly. 

In fact Carter and Obama sound eerily similar involving the Middle East. Carter had a stand by and watch policy as an embassy in Iran was captured and Americans were held hostage for 444 days, today Iran (a huge threat to ally Israel and Americans) is pushing for nuclear weapons while Obama just stands by and does try to neither stop nor support Israel in negotiations. Later in Carter's term, a British author wrote a book called "The Satanic Verses" depicting Islam as a religion of the devil. Iran's leader at the time, Ayatollah Khomeini, issued a fatwah calling for his murder and a 3 billion dollar bounty was placed on his head as well. Embassies in Britain were attacked and many riots were started destroying tons of public property. Carter stood by and then told the British and American people they should apologize and then justified the Islam attacks. On September 12, 2012 Obama issued statements apologizing to the Islamist mobs for hurting their feelings on behalf of the video that allegedly fed the riots. This stand by policy just fuels the fire in the Middle East. 

Sad news is, this man is our president and he has no backbone and no ability to lead our country. Good news is Ronald Reagan, who in my opinion was the best president of our time, beat Jimmy Carter. This time we need to elect Gov. Mitt Romney who is a proven leader. I hope that he can be today's version of Ronald Reagan. 

Thank you.

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